Steamboat Springs, Colorado, is the place you want to be this weekend. Every American concerned about our unprecedented erosion of freedom should be paying close attention to Ron “Grey Wolf” Coleman. He’s on a walk to Washington, D.C., all the way across America, fighting for your freedom. If you can’t join him in person, be sure to tune in to the YouTube livestream on Sunday, September 18.
Steamboat Springs event Sunday
Coleman will be arriving in the Steamboat area on Friday, September 16, to pick up any letters which Americans would like delivered direct to Congress. The former “We the People” delegate met with prominent senators Cruz and Johnson, along with some weaseling Republican congressmen, in March.
Right now, the determined patriot is trudging up the Rockies on foot. He left his truck behind to prove a point. This isn’t about power, it’s about freedom. Freedom which is vanishing every day.
Every trucker has a “handle” and Grey Wolf was the natural choice of Ron Coleman. As he’s about to cross the Continental Divide, Steamboat looked like a perfect place to stop, look around, and take the local political pulse. He’s an average guy who led an average life until he couldn’t take the destruction of American Nationalism any longer.
It’s no surprise that the Deep State crushed the People’s Convoy. The way they were circling the beltway was causing far too much controversy. The peaceful delegation to Congress was so effective it simply had to be crushed. Ron was one of the quieter, more level headed voices. That doesn’t mean he isn’t impassioned. He’s not about to give up.
Grey Wolf isn’t storming in to Steamboat and telling everyone what they need to think. He wants to hear what you think. He also wants you to write it on paper so he can bury useless politicians in it.
Ron is doing it right, so he rounded up some replica Pony Express bags. He’s collecting letters from American citizens and he can’t wait to dump bags and bags of them on our elected representatives.
Wednesday in Vernal, UT
The walk through Vernal, Utah on the way toward Steamboat Wednesday, was encouraging. Local radio station Fox 98.5 provided a custom PSA encouraging Americans to tag along and take a walk for freedom, as Ron and his camera meandered through their tiny town. He really liked the barbecue, too! While nobody turned it into a patriotic parade that day, he met up with many enthusiastic people. Everyone he encountered was supportive and in full agreement with his goals. He made it clear he wanted to hear their opinions.
One pair of young women, for instance, were perturbed about government overreach in terms of reproductive freedom. They aren’t actually for abortion on demand but don’t want to see all the options swept off the table, either. That is exactly why their voices need heard. The lawmakers only seem to care about the opinions of the special interests. “They’re supposed to work for us,” one of the women observed.
Ron is amazed by the interest everyday Americans have been showing in his Pony Express concept. He has fliers which explain he is “taking the letters of parents and children to D.C. in replicas of the original pony express bags.” Everyone in Steamboat and the surrounding area is encouraged to put your thoughts about Congress on paper.
You can bring them to him along his route, as listed on the website, or join fellow residents at the Concordia Lutheran Church, after services on Sunday. The event kicks off at 10:00 a.m. and will be livestreamed. At this time, YouTube is expected to carry the stream. There may be others as well.
There are only so many of the Pony Express bags to go around and the letters coming in have been piling up. After each and every message spends symbolic time in the replica pouch, it gets transferred to burlap bags for “deposit on the Capitol steps.”
Steamboat Springs won’t be the last opportunity to get your letters collected. The route continues ever eastward. Anyone who wants to come out and walk along the way for freedom is welcome to join the peaceful parade. Let’s see how big of a crowd we can get to follow along, right back to the office of Senator Ted Cruz.