Major Democrat Leader Caught in Quid Pro Quo Scandal


A huge Democrat name in California politics just got busted in a quid pro quo scandal that makes What Joe and Hunter Biden set up look like a street-corner hustle. The reservoir of cash piped around at Gavin Newsom’s “behest” was record breaking.

Selling influence is a major scandal

Those who follow the incestuous ins and outs of California Democrat politics are screaming about the latest scandal cooked up by Gavin Newsom. The nephew of Nancy Pelosi’s brother-in-law has a racket going that the Biden family can be jealous of.

All it takes to get a state license to print money, called a no-bid contract, is to make donations to anyone Newsom names.

As explained by DailyWire, “the requests are known as ‘behested payments,’ donations made to organizations at the request of a politician.” In California, the scandal part comes in because Governor Newsom returned the favor.

“Those who made donations at his request” got “lucrative state contracts.” According to reports, the behested payments “were a record-setting haul eclipsing all prior donations on record by nearly $100 million.”

Most of the Quid Pro Quo donations “supported COVID-19 relief efforts.” When investigators started digging deeper they learned that “Newsom’s fundraising was supercharged not just by the pandemic, but also by the broad emergency powers the Democratic governor has assumed because of it.”

As part of the scandal, Newsom “raised $45 million last year from insurance companies Blue Shield of California and Kaiser Permanente toward his housing initiative, Project Homekey.”

A chair on the task force

After Blue Shield wrote a huge check at Newsom’s bequest, Governor Newsom turned around and appointed their CEO, Paul Markovich, “to co-chair the governor’s COVID-19 testing task force.”

Blue Shield had to split the contract for vaccine distribution with Kaiser Permanente, which was their reward for bequested donations. Regulators don’t like it because it raises all the flags of a scandal.

“That decision has raised eyebrows as the governor’s office has remained silent about the particulars of the deal, including why his administration selected Blue Shield and how much the company would be paid,” That sounds like a scandal to most folks.

That’s just the tip of the cold hard cash iceberg. “Newsom has committed to spending nearly $4 billion on no-bid contracts to fight the pandemic.” It’s not surprising that those cozy contracts went to those who donated at Newsom’s request wherever he suggested.

One of the scandal allegations involves Verily Life Sciences. They’re a subsidiary of Google. Since March, they pulled in “up to $44 million in three different contracts to help operate COVID-19 testing sites.” They seem to have landed the deal because “in April, Google donated $7 million in ad credits to the governor’s COVID-19 ad campaign.”

AT&T got a pile too. “over $40 million in contracts from the Office of Emergency Services. They donated $310,000 to the governor’s office.” Now everyone knows what it took to keep Hollywood’s TV and Movie industries sizzling while virtually every small business in the state was closed for Covid.

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